Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dumb People - They're Everywhere

I can't escape them, I swear. They follow me wherever I go. I had a brunch-like thing with my parents downstairs and we got into an "Palin is dumb" conversation and we just kept making fun of her. If I have to choose the lesser of two evils, I'll choose Obama. Now here comes the fun part. My stepfather mentions that McCain looks like a midget and does a little impression of McCain never bringing his arms up past his elbows. I got slightly annoyed. The guy is old, he was a POW for years and I'm sure it's left physical scars and impairments of some sort so to make fun of the guy just isn't right, not physically anyway.

I say all of this to them and they fire back with "We're prisoners of the Bush regime!" and I respond saying "I don't know about you but I'm not in a prisoner camp being physically tortured". Their response is "We might as well be! This is worse!".

I walked away. I think I ate for 5 minutes total before I walked away from them. At least I'm not hungry anymore, but I'm definitely not satisfied. I might go out and get some food.

I like arguments and the back-and-forth of a good debate. I hate stupidity and arguments that aren't thought through and baseless points. Just because words are coming out of your mouth doesn't mean you're conversing. A speak and spell may not have a mouth but it can speak words (who remembers the speak and spell? :-D) and that's what I'm equating people to that simply vomit words as if to keep the flow going. I would enjoy far more if you paused and thought and broke the flow than you verbally defecating in order to "argue your point".


Aek said...

I actually respect McCain quite a bit and would never make fun of him, I just don't agree with many of his policies. I don't like Palin but I wouldn't dis her openly.

I like a good debate too, the ones where both sides are thinking and putting forth "good" arguments, and where both sides can concede on various points as a good back and forth should go.

More often than not, I just hold my tongue, or choose my words carefully.

Anonymous said...

Crash the web developer. that name does little to instill confidence.

Crash said...

Although your witty criticism seems correct, it makes the assumption that I code under the alias "Crash". I merely blog as Crash. I code as Darkstar. Sure, it sounds a little crazy, with a dash of multiple personality disorder (not to be confused with schizophrenia), but I stand by my code, no matter how much confidence it fails to instill in you.

The other fact is that Crash is short for Crashspeeder. As you can already guess, it has more to do with cars than code and merely hints at the inevitability of my habit to speed. Luckily I have yet to be in a high-speed collision, as the moniker suggests, because I'm so sure you were going to express concern for my well-being.