Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And I thought it was over...

Let me start off by saying I haven't forgotten about my blog, I simply haven't had much to put in here recently.  Now on to today's news.

I lied, I'm rewinding an extra day to yesterday.  They let some more people go but luckily they weren't from my department.  Apparently the financial troubles continue.  This leads me into today's goings-on.  The CTO called a meeting for the whole department this afternoon.  We got a few extra guests than what we expected.  The CEO and CFO/COO joined the fun.  The theme of the party was pay cuts for all!  I'm glad they decided to share the poverty but I'd rather the wealth.

I'm in disbelief as to what happened today.  I can't say that I won't be able to survive on what I get paid, far from it.  It does, however, mean a change in my daily spendatures.  I have to not only think more about what I'm  spending on a daily basis but also the overall picture.  What monthly expenses can I do without.  The first thing that comes to mind is my servers.  That just makes me wonder about those with families to support.  

I'm being positive though, it's not a ridiculous amount and I'll make it through this.  The only question is will the company make it through or will I even be there to find out.

EDIT: Oh, and one of my servers may have a corrupt HDD and now I can't get my email.


Aek said...

I don't even know what's involved in maintaining a server(s). It sucks that you're getting a pay cut. I agree that the higher-ups who're paid more than necessary should take the pay cut, and just have things even out. Alas.

Col said...

Sorry to hear about the pay-cut. My brother has just been "asked" to drop a days work (which he refused to do as he has a family to support), so his company director told him that the legal deptartment will now start "working on something" so he has to do it! His wife has just had to drop a shift where she works too. Things are going to get worse before they get better, so I wish you luck.

Take care,

Crash said...

The higher ups are taking 3x the paycut our department is taking, or so they told us. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad strategy by any means. They're trying to find a different way to get $1M instead of firing people. Things are just getting worse and worse it seems. I feel like a hamster in a cage at this point. At least that's how I've felt since I got home today.