Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A sigh of relief as I write the last few lines of code for the Flash app I'm working on at work. I couldn't believe it would finally be done. These last 2 weeks have been hell. Somehow we allow the design department to dictate functionality by simply drawing shit on a canvas in Photoshop. After arguing a few points and somebody noticing that we would NEVER get done if the design department kept making changes, I was allowed to move forward with most of the original ideas and a few added ones. somewhere in the vicinity of November 15 I'll be posting a link to the finished product. Now I'll be able to work on other stuff that demands my attention...the cycle never ends.

1 comment:

Planetx_123 said...

Congrats! The team I am on is just now starting a new project, which is really exciting! I am tired of maintenance mode coding...

On another note- I just finished the first iteration of my flex app for my school proj. I gotta say I am so blown away by how mature AS3 and Flex3 are compared to the little I remember from AS2 and Flex 1.0. Also- with BlazeDS- my entire app stack is open source! I just couldn't be happier with AS3 and Flex. I love the fact that its a dynamic dispatch language that is still strongly typed. I never want to give up strong typing and the crazy Ruby folk try to claim that you have to to go to a dynamically bound/dispatched language... I think AS3 is a good example of a compromise.

So its 2:46AM- I have to go to work at 7am and I have AI/NLP class at 9:40...why am I reading blogs online! AH!~
