Today: The aforementioned hacker let himself into the same server and wreacked havoc. I'm part of an IRC network and they were able to traverse a few of the servers on the network because of my compromised server. All 3 of my servers are part of this IRC network. The server that was hacked also went down tonight. I'll most likely have the datacenter reimage it in the next few days. I was able to take a few of the websites off of it before it died tonight. I'm just plain pissed that it got hacked in the first place. Don't these people have anything better to do with their time? I work hard to pay for my servers. The money doesn't come out of thin air. These bastards have the balls to fuck with something that I pay for every month.
I hate people. I find them fascinating, but some people are just so selfish that I can honestly say I hate them.
Yea that really sucks. How did they get in? What O/S was running on them?
not sure how they got in originally (a while back) but they must've opened up a back door somehow and it went undetected and they used it this time to get in.
The system was running FreeBSD 6.3
Not one of your best weeks eh??
They say things come in threes, let's hope not!
Here's a quote I saw recently:
Remember, you may not be able to control what life puts in your path, but you can control who you are and who you will become.
You seem like a really nice, genuine and caring guy and I totally agree with you about some people being selfish. But, please don't let these assholes change who you are.
The world needs more people like you, as you said in a previous post...learn from it and grow.
You're BETTER than them.
Have a great weekend,
You're right, definitely not one of my best weeks. I'm still dealing with the aftermath of this thing. I have to move mail from epicenter to pulsar. Luckily I had done that for my domain a few months ago and now I only have to move the email for one domain. Definitely looking forward to poker and UFC tonight after this fiasco.
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